BlogBosses BlogThe Translation Process

The Translation Process

The Translation Process

Translation might seem like it has an obvious workflow – a client has a file, a translator translates it, everyone goes home happy. But the translation process can be a little more complex than this, so let’s get into the nitty gritty!

First, we might need to process your files so that they can go to the translator without any hassle. This can sometimes mean adjusting the formatting and taking out anything that would trip up our handy translation tools when the files are loaded up on programmes like Trados for translation.

Next, we match your project with a suitable qualified mother-tongue linguist, who has experience in the subject matter at hand, and who has availability to translate within your deadline.

A translator might need to research a product or company so that they can get a feel for the style that is needed, or to look at reference material like drawings or videos of machinery.

When the files are translated, there’s (you guessed it!) more formatting checks. Some languages, like German, can get significantly longer in the translated version, so we take a look to make sure everything is displaying as it should. We also quality check the translations to make sure they’re accurate, style guides have been adhered to, and no sentences have slipped through the cracks and been missed.

As an added guarantee, we also have medical documents professionally proofread as part of our company policy, to ensure that no mistakes are made.

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