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Professional English Translations from MTT

As English is one of the most important global languages for trade and export, we often receive requests for the translation of documents both into and out of English. Being based in the UK, we primarily deal with European languages such as Italian, Spanish, German, French, Polish, Dutch and Swedish, but handle regular translation requests for Latin American languages, Russian, Chinese, Japanese and Arabic too.

Most companies looking for a professional translation agency will require either into or out of English. With English as our native language, we are well placed to offer a professional and reliable English translation service.

What kinds of companies do we provide English translations for?

All companies wanting to distribute products in the UK or other English-speaking markets need to ensure that all technical manuals and marketing materials are correctly translated for an English speaking audience. The quality of the translation has a direct effect on the way a customer would perceive a product or service, its reliability and value.

A professional English mother-tongue translator can help facilitate entry into some of the most important English-speaking markets such as the UK, the USA or Australia, building a strong image with marketing translations into English to promote the products, technical translations to help the user, and legal translations in English to ensure the terms and conditions, insurance documents and contracts are all correct.

Translations are also often required from English into German, French or other languages. Here, our native English expertise helps ensure the original documents are clear and well formatted to assist the translation process is easy. At MTT, translations are often technical in nature, for companies producing products such as robotic solutions, IT systems, software, medical devices, engineering products, industrial solutions or automotive components.

Accurate English translations

Accuracy and quality is critical across our three main specialist areas – technical translations from and into English need to be spot on to ensure safety, with the potential for accidents or even explosions if something is mistranslated. Similarly legal translations into English could have far-reaching consequences if an error is made. A working knowledge of both legal systems involved is required to ensure correct translation. Even marketing translations need to be accurate in the way they portray the product, its benefits and features as litigation could follow for misrepresentation if accuracy is not ensured. Marketing translations from and into English also need to convince the reader, flow naturally and be sensitive to issues of localisation, adapting where necessary to the target culture.

To avoid the chances of things going wrong, all translators and linguists working with MTT have undergone our own internal assessments and are professional linguists, working with English either as a mother tongue or as one of their main source languages (when translating from English into German, for example). Problems with translation usually arise when the source text is not clear, so at MTT we have a clear process for handling queries, disseminating information to all linguists on the project and ensuring the real intention of the source document meaning is clarified. It’s not unusual for us to find an error in the original document for translation; when a document is translated it is subject to close scrutiny and a professional English translator will highlight any potential ambiguity, errors or points of conflict.

How do I get an English translation?

To translate a document into or out of English, just send us your original text and we will assess it for wordcount and format, talk to a suitably qualified and experienced translator and agree a cost and deadline. If we receive a go-ahead, our linguists will produce their translation, ensuring a flowing, accurate version is returned. Once complete, your document will be given a general check in house, before being returned to you by email.

Issues such as differing grammar, translation of concepts which don’t have a direct equivalent in the target language and various cultural differences are all things which a professional translator deals with on a daily basis. They have many years of relevant experience and suitable qualifications (minimum degree level), ensuring that tricky terms are handled professionally and if necessary in consultation with the customer. Preferred terminology is always respected, and if you have a style guide or glossary this will help us provide exactly what you’re looking for in your English translations. We can also arrange proofreading, both in English or any other language to give you the peace of mind that your text is going to do its job.

If you need help with translating documentation into English or creating a foreign language version from your original English texts, get in touch now on or give us a call on 0844 856 1086. With over 35 years’ experience in technical, marketing and legal translation, we’re ideally placed to advise.  Quotations are always free of charge and we’d love the opportunity to explain in more detail how we can help you get the English translation service you need.

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